Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The end draws ever nearer

So today, I actually made it to campus! WOO! Go me.

So here I am, doing an assignment for one of. All I have to say is this.

Spring is overrated. Because SPRING is still cold. And wet. So screw you, spring. When you've full sprung into summer, that's when I am happy.

I have a few job interviews lined up. Who even knows what's going on with my life. All I know is that I refuse to be anything but happy and carefree this summer. I'm going to freaking THAILAND. And I'm going to be warm. And soak up every ray of sun that my pasty body will allow.

I know I haven't blogged in a while..... but now I am. And this is what I want to say. Sorry if you're lost.

I graduate in 16 days. I have  more days of class.

El fin se acerca.

1 comment:

  1. oh you poor Utah living person. I need to remind you that in other areas of the world - aka California. Spring is actually wonderful. I've packed away all scarves and coats as I rarely feel the temperature below 60 these days.
