Wednesday, October 13, 2010

So what really is moral courage?

So.... I recently watched/read about a finding that apparently has shaken the foundations of Christianity. The Gospel of Judas. The "truth", according to this hidden and controversial document, about one of the most deplorable men in history. Judas Iscariot. His name evokes images such as these:
But if this document is what it claims to be, then the betrayer whose name itself has been used to describe the morally debase throughout the centuries, was actually one of the most morally upright, humble people to ever walk this earth. The man whom the Lord could trust above all others to perform one of the most debase acts in all of religious history, who was willing to suffer the ultimate shame so that the Atonement of Christ could be carried out.

Now I am not debating whether or not this is true, but it makes me wonder; which is more admirable? The man who outwardly lives his standards, praised by men because he cannot be thought of anything other than admirable and good? or the man, who, knowing his strength, is willing to suffer villainization for a greater cause?
I would argue the latter. And while I wish I were strong enough to join their under appreciated, misunderstood, and courageous ranks, I thank the higher powers in which I believe that I am not nor ever will be noble enough to suffer such a fate.

You'd be surprised to see who they are, when you look around you.


  1. i like this. it's an interesting way to look at it isn't it?

  2. James E. Talmage should pop out of his grave and slap you.

  3. Hey, there is a broken link in this article, under the anchor text - Gospel of Judas
    Here is the working link so you can replace it -
