My life is out of control. Thing is, I was reading my old blog, and it always has been. Things just happen. I had a midterm last week (31/32 points, thank you very much!) and I have one next week. I have a presentation tomorrow, that I have yet to begin creating, and a project due in two weeks that I have yet to start. I also have a paper due sometime this month, which for some reason doesn't motivate me at ALL.
I guess I just keep having these tragic moments, when I wish that things could be like they were "before". But now that I've looked at "before", things are pretty much the same. Here I am, in Provo, going completely INSANE because I'm trapped here. Wanting to get out of here so desperately, but not being able to because I have to freaking GRADUATE from college. I don't even care anymore. I just want to move somewhere savage and never look back.
Basically, no matter when it is, Provo is my kryptonite. It's more like an allergic reaction, really; it comes on with time and is worse each time it happens. The rash is pretty bad at this point. Totally not helped by the fact that I am literally STUCK here with no car and nothing else.
I can't handle this. I need to get out. Away. I'm so done with this nonsense. I seriously don't even know WHAT I'm going to do at this point. I'm feeling rather desperate.
sounds like you need a lake powell remedy. wow, i forgot how crazy college life is. here i am sitting on my couch, eating cookies and milk, and looking forward to an evening of american idol and the office. life is better after graduation. stick it out. love you.