Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Piratical heart surgery?

So of COURSE this would happen to me. I look like I had freaking heart surgery. Or got into a fight with a pirate. Or both.

Now, I must explain what I mean by this. Friday morning, I was rushing to get ready. And I was finishing up curling my hair. I always put the curling iron on the hottest setting, which is usually between 280-300 degrees (according to this site). Now, what can happen to your skin at 300 degrees? I will tell you.

I dropped the curling iron on to the left side of my chest, and it came in contact with my skin for just a moment. It left a red mark, and to be honest, didn't hurt that bad. However, next thing I knew (aka at work), it had bubbled into two blisters. Now?

It is a savage scab. A really unsightly one too. It is all greenish brown and crusty, and nasty.

So today I went to the health clinic at my job (which is technically only supposed to treat missionaries) and they put a GIANT gauze patch on it.

So people think I was stabbed in the heart or something.

No big deal.
Worth it?

You tell me!

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