Sunday, August 28, 2016

Our new dream!..... at least, for now....

Anyone that knows me, or has read at least 2 of my posts knows that there are 2 main facets to my personality.

1) I do what I want

2) I craaaaaaaave change

This post is about number 2. (Not about THAT number two. Get your mind out of the bathroom.)

Most people I know like stability. Like, know where you're going to be in a month, don't run out of gas, can predict what their bank account looks like stability.

That kind of existence stifles me.

I can't tell you how many times I would wake up in the middle of the night (or, as an insomniac, a more accurate statement would be "Get up", as most nights I was already awake) and decide I needed change. Here are some of my more random, middle of the night "I NEED CHANGE" decisions:

1) Cut bangs in my hair. With poultry shears.

2) Dye my hair

3) Google 1 million ways to cut up T shirts so they still kind of look like clothes, but not really

4) Sew something random (like a dress made out of fabric that is a map of the world, maybe?)

5) Find random jobs somewhere new and apply for them (and wake up to a baffling call from a hotel in Florida wanting to know more!)

6) Rearrange all the furniture

7) Re-organize all the shelves in the kitchen (my roomates LOOOOOVED this one)

So, needless to say, my favorite type of decision is the one that can most easily be changed.

Norman and I recently just accepted a pair of positions for a company on Vancouver Island. Partially to get away from the slummy, drug-ridden, human-feces-cleaning job we had before, but also because I CRAVE CHANGE. And as we were lugging all this STUFF up to our new apartment, we both had a thought.

Wouldn't it be GREAT if your home could come with you anywhere? With all your STUFF???

And, so, now we are obsessed with RVs.

I even went so far as to make a chart of all the ways RVs are better than houses. Here it is:

RV                                                                            House

- All furniture included!                                           -When you buy it, its EMPTY! AKA more stuff
- Makes you minimize                                             - Encourages you to fill empty rooms with stuff
- You can take your house anywhere!                      - House is stuck in one place
- No one wants to stay with you! *                           - If you have a spare room, people want to stay*
- Need space from someone, drive away!               - People can always "drop by"
- Cheaper than a house payment                             - NEVER ENDING EXPENSES!!!
- Upgrades are smaller and cheaper                        - Multi-thousand dollar renovations
- ULTIMATE FREEDOM!!!                                  - ULTIMATE STUCKNESS

Yeah.... I can get a little over the top.

But seriously! When you buy an RV, it comes with a TV, all your furniture, and some even come with a central vacuum and are solar pannel ready! Show me a house with that price tag that can do that, AND be driven around!

Also? Your backyard is wherever you park it! So we can have oceans, lakes, snow, national parks, mountains, cities, swamps, parking lots.... whatever we want!

Can you tell I'm excited? So many exclamation points.

Next time, on "Leah changes her mind"...... which RVs are we choosing between? Why? And then, best of all, you can look at pictures of all the HUGE, obnoxious swirly designs on the outside of our new dream home! JOY!  

* A small note: I don't like house guests. ESPECIALLY uninvited houseguests. If you've ever been invited over to my house, it means I like you. A LOT. Because, in my experience, I'm done with visitors far before they're done being in my house. And there is NO polite way to say "Please leave because I'm sick of you."  

Another note: If you want to learn all about why RVs aren't just for hobos, visit                

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